Sunday, September 13, 2009

Fascist School Lecturing And Tea Bagging

Annnnd we're off. What the hell is going on in our country at the moment? I heard another segment on CNN today once again discussing Obama's message to school students this past week, and all I can think is: WHY? I watched some 09/11 tributes on tv the other day, and guess who was sitting right smack dab in the middle of a bunch of students? IN THEIR CLASSROOM, NO LESS!!! George W. Bush. Can you believe the nerve of some presidents?! Funny thing is, I don't recall ANY of our patriotic nut jobs getting up in arms over that. No accusations of endoctrinating the youth of america (bless their little hearts!), No claims of fascism or socialism or communism against the glorious W, nothinnnnnng. What gives? Did I hear you say "hypocrites"? I thought that's what you said. And I wholeheartedly agree!!! Let's give em the big ol "L" to the forehead "loser" sign to boot, cuz that's what they're acting like. A bunch of losers.
Now, I have just finished reading another little article about some "Tea Bag Party" traveling around the country. And just like the moms and pops who were so recently freaking out over the thought of our president speaking to their precious, little, innocent and untainted, heterosexual, republican angels (bless their little hearts), the primary, discernable characteristic that these Tea Baggers show is anger, closely followed by maniacal militantism. (And yet these folks are usually so opposed to most ism's) Let me share one of their leader's quotes.

Aboard the Tea Party Express (CNN) -- From the stage, Deborah Johns is the angry conscience of the tea party movement."Question everything your government is doing," she tells a crowd of about 100 from the bus's stage in the parking lot of the Winners casino in Winnemucca, Nevada."The men and women in our military didn't fight and die for this country for a communist in the White House," she says, and the crowd erupts in a chant of "U-S-A, U-S-A!"

Wow! Reminds me of an old expression that Ms Deborah must have forgotten: "Paranoia will destroy ya". Poor gal. She hasn't taken her meds lately, huh? The really sad part is that she actually had a crowd of about 100 eating up her nonsense. Let me just stop for a while now, and remember, there by grace of God go I. And hopefully, by the grace of God I will go, nowhere near those poor, pathetic, paranoid bastards. Amen.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Greetings and Salutations

Thanks for checking out my page. After frequent consideration, I actually took the time to set up a blog site. I suppose my blogs are really for my own peace of mind. You see, I'm a bit of a news junkie, and often after hearing some particular news story, I am filled with strong opinions that seem to have a desire of their own to be expressed. In an attempt to spare my friends from constant rants, I decided to exorcise my thoughts and opinions into cyberspace. Now to get started. Let the blogging begin!